Schorn & Groh on social media

For 60 years Schorn & Groh has been one of the leading companies in the veneer industry. As a southern German family business, Schorn & Groh focuses on quality and service. This includes individual consultation, extensive technical knowledge and many years of experience. New communication platforms open up new possibilities and we are looking forward to interacting with customers, partners and interested parties on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn from now on. We are open for dialogue and actively participate in it. Above all we want to:

  • bring people closer to the unique material wood
  • intensify networking with our customers
  • optimize our products through exchange and feedback
  • offer a communication and information platform for people who are interested in learning more about wood.


Schorn & Groh is a global player, many of our customers are located abroad. Therefore, we have internally decided to choose German and English as the communication language on these platforms. Wherever possible, we use gender-neutral wording. Where this cannot be implemented, we use the generic masculine for reasons of better readability and search engine optimization. As a matter of course all genders are included.

We would like to point out that Schorn & Groh is not responsible for the comments of their followers. The following rules apply for dealing with those:

  • We welcome all comments, suggestions and constructive criticism. All comments that violate the netiquette rules, including obscene words, personal insults and slurs about race, religion, gender, sexuality or origin or are disrespectful accusations will be deleted.
  • All messages and comments that are obvious advertisements not related to Schorn & Groh will be declared as SPAM and deleted. Users are asked to refrain from posts of this kind. If such posts are published again despite our request, we are forced to block such users.

Stay up to date! We look forward to interacting with you!
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