Douglas fir
Wood species / Trade name:
Douglas fir, Oregon fir, Yellow fir, Red fir
- German: Douglasie
- French: Pin d’Oregon
- Chinese: 花旗松 / 道格拉斯冷杉 / 俄勒冈松
Botanical name:
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Character / Color:
The expressive and rustic character of the straight-grained conifer comes from brown to dark red tones and the distinct contrast between early and late wood. In coarse-ringed wood, this contrast creates impressive tangential grain figures and vividly striped radial planes. The North American Douglas fir is usually more narrow-ringed than the European Douglas fir, which sometimes shows a strongly defined late growth area in its relatively broad annual rings.
Main occurence:
Europe, North America
Interior woodwork, Construction lumber

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