European ash
Wood species / Trade name:
European ash
- German: Esche
- French: Frêne commun
- Chinese: 欧洲白栓
Botanical name:
Fraxinus excelsior L.
Character / Color:
The ash is found in lowland forests and on the banks of brooks and rivers. The wood, known for being very elastic and impact resistant, is often used for tool handles and gymnastic equipment. The ring-porous and coarse-grained wood has a typical and expressive character. As a result of the clear separation between annual rings, the grain is striking on the tangential surface and vividly striped on the radial side. The sapwood and heartwood have a whitish to whitish yellow or whitish red range of colors.
Main occurence:
Interior woodwork, Furniture

Not all logs are certified as listed. If you are interested, please ask us for certified material.