California walnut burl

California walnut burl

California walnut burl

Wood species / Trade name:

California walnut burl


  • German: Nussbaum Maser am.
  • French: Loupe de Noyer Américain
  • Chinese: 美洲黑胡桃树榴

Botanical name:

Juglans nigra

Character / Color:

The gorgeous look of the California walnut burl, like the European walnut, is especially vibrant. The color of the heartwood tends more toward chocolate brown while the European variety is more reddish brown. Lively figures in dark brown to black wood give the veneer a mystical aura. One could swear that he sees unreal and mysterious apparitions in the different brown zones and black lines.

Main occurence:

North America


Interior woodwork, Furniture, Musical instruments, Car interiors





Not all logs are certified as listed. If you are interested, please ask us for certified material.