European sycamore
Wood species / Trade name:
European sycamore, Sycamore
- German: Ahorn eur.
- Spanish: Sicomoro
- French: Sycomore uni
- Chinese: 欧洲枫木
Botanical name:
Acer pseudoplatanus L.
Character / Color:
Of the three types of sycamore indigenous to Europe – sycamore maple, European maple and common or field maple – the sycamore maple is the most commercially significant and one of the most valuable native broad-leaved trees. Its wood is almost white to light yellow and has a distinctively uniform structure. With a generally straight grain, the yellowish late wood shows up in a faintly straight quilted pattern or in stripes, which give the unusually light-hued wood an elegant appearance. The soft, silky radiance is discreetly accented by a delicate rift grain.
Main occurence:
Furniture, Interior woodwork, Musical instruments

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