Figured american black cherry

Figured american black cherry

Figured american black cherry

Wood species / Trade name:

Figured american black cherry


  • German: Kirschbaum am. geriegelt
  • French: Merisier Américain ondé
  • Chinese: 有影美洲黑樱桃

Botanical name:

Prunus serotina

Character / Color:

The figured black cherry is a highly prized variety with an especially decorative character. More or less regular and pronounced stripes running across the grain give this velvety lustrous wood an exceptionally decorative note. The annual rings, which are strictly separated from one another, appear as attractive stripes on the radial surface and fine figures on the tangential plane. Darker than cherry from Europe, this especially lovely wood has an intense reddish to golden brown hue.

Main occurence:

North America


Doors, Furniture, Interior woodwork


